Top 2% Buffalo Area 5K Performances of 2017  
  Women  0-14
7/27/2024      1:57:52 AM                    
 Current Display: Default, USATF Certified Only
rank name time racename date place inSex inGroup group
1 Alexandra Nickel 0:19:24 Run For The Grapes 5K 9/24/2017 8 1 1 SF-14
2 Faithe Ketchum 0:19:31 Wineglass 5K 9/30/2017 8 2 1 10-14
3 Tessa Jeffery 0:19:43 Tom Donnelly Hall Of Fame 5K 9/1/2017 44 6 1 01-14
4 Kate Putman 0:19:43 It's A Wonderful Run 12/9/2017 53 7 1 01-13
5 Catherine Staley 0:20:00 Oak Tree 5K 9/3/2017 9 1 1 01-14
6 Elle Russell 0:20:05 Happy Half 5K 5/13/2017 3 1 1 0-19
7 Chance Rice Porter 0:20:37 It's A Wonderful Run 12/9/2017 95 16 2 01-13
8 Bryanna Page 0:20:38 It's A Wonderful Run 12/9/2017 96 17 4 14-18
9 Hannah Goetz 0:20:40 Happy Half 5K 5/13/2017 5 2 2 0-19
10 Molly Devereux 0:20:41 Friends of Crystal Beach 5K 10/7/2017 17 2 1 10-14
11 Anna Ridge 0:21:00 UAW Veterans Appreciation 11/4/2017 9 1 1 0-14
12 Ari Reback 0:21:03 Rochester 5K 9/17/2017 11 3 1 1-14
13 Quincy Rotsaert-Smith 0:21:05 Ellicottville Fall Festival 10/7/2017 13 3 1 0-14
14 Jillian Phillips 0:21:08 Grace Race 6/6/2017 14 3 1 10-14
15 Laura Cohn 0:21:26 Erie County Fair 5K 8/12/2017 37 5 1 0-14
16 Sydney Murdock 0:21:27 Friends of Crystal Beach 5K 10/7/2017 27 4 2 10-14
17 Chloe Fisher 0:21:28 Scrub Run 9/13/2017 12 4 1 0-14
18 Addy Capel 0:21:34 Oak Tree 5K 9/3/2017 18 3 2 01-14
19 Anessa Pigula 0:21:36 Devil Dash 10/7/2017 8 5 1 11-15
20 Sophie Halminen 0:21:38 EVL Halloween 5K 10/28/2017 16 2 1 11-14
21 Claire Allen 0:21:41 Oak Tree 5K 9/3/2017 20 4 3 01-14
22 Florina Keller 0:21:42 Mudcat Riverfront 5K 5/13/2017 8 1 1 F
23 Isabella Scott 0:21:52 EVL Halloween 5K 10/28/2017 17 3 2 11-14
24 Lauren Dunn 0:21:54 EVL Halloween 5K 10/28/2017 18 4 3 11-14
25 Shayla Kuzyk 0:21:56 Tops 5K 8/26/2017 48 10 1 11-14
26 Emily Jibb 0:21:59 Niagara Catholic 7/15/2017 14 2 11-14
27 Hannah Goetz 0:22:00 Erie County Fair 5K 8/12/2017 50 8 2 0-14
28 Alissa Mete 0:22:08 Run For Life 7/22/2017 10 1 1 0-14
29 Erin Downing 0:22:10 Hospice Dash 9/16/2017 22 5 1 0-14
30 Chloe Fisher 0:22:15 Freezer Run 12/10/2017 29 2 1 1-14
31 Lauren Long 0:22:15 Niagara Catholic 7/15/2017 15 3 1 0-10
32 Jocelyn Ringler 0:22:20 Run For The Grapes 5K 9/24/2017 26 4 2 SF-14
33 Isabel Marzec 0:22:22 Jinglin All The Way 12/2/2017 12 2 1 0-14
34 Grace Delisle 0:22:23 Wineglass 5K 9/30/2017 26 8 2 10-14
35 Ella Forcucci 0:22:25 Tommy's Run 7/1/2017 28 4 1 0-14
36 Noel Barlette 0:22:27 Lindsay's Legacy 11/11/2017 41 4 1 0-14
37 Tessa Zajac 0:22:30 Ronald McDonald House 5K 7/26/2017 105 20 1 11-14
38 Kelly Reinhard 0:22:34 Boys On Right Track 6/17/2017 9 2 1 13-14
39 Tessa Zajac 0:22:35 Moonlight Run 8/16/2017 88 22 1 11-14
40 Shayla Kuzyk 0:22:36 Raby Family Memorial 5K 8/5/2017 31 5 1 11-14
41 Hannah Goetz 0:22:37 EVL Halloween 5K 10/28/2017 28 5 4 11-14
42 Julia Hluck 0:22:37 Wineglass 5K 9/30/2017 30 11 3 10-14
43 Noel Barlette 0:22:42 Ryan Purcell Memorial 9/8/2017 25 7 1 0-14
44 Maggie Cryan 0:22:43 Tom Donnelly Hall Of Fame 5K 9/1/2017 106 23 2 01-14
45 Sabrina Quiros 0:22:44 Michelle's Memorial 11/18/2017 9 4 1 0-14
46 Peyton Switek 0:22:45 Lindsay's Legacy 11/11/2017 46 5 2 0-14
47 Sian Kniaziew 0:22:50 Tops 5K 8/26/2017 58 13 2 11-14
48 Anna Ridge 0:22:50 St Greg's Great Race 6/16/2017 80 12 1 11-14
49 Hannah Goetz 0:22:55 Take A Breath For Life 11/11/2017 10 3 1 13-19
50 Maddi Miziniak 0:22:57 Freedom Challenge 5K 5/29/2017 7 3 3 1-19
51 Danuta Helena Kurtyko 0:22:58 Run Against Hunger 4/2/2017 28 4 1 13-15
52 Kaitlyn Vogel 0:22:59 Tom Donnelly Hall Of Fame 5K 9/1/2017 112 26 3 01-14
53 Isabel Marzec 0:23:01 Oak Tree 5K 9/3/2017 27 6 4 01-14
54 Ari Reback 0:23:01 Jenny Kuzma Memorial Bergen 5K 8/12/2017 113 30 4 01-19
55 Danuta Kurtyko 0:23:02 Shoes For The Shelter 4/23/2017 57 11 1 11-14
56 Alexis Nguyen 0:23:02 Moonlight Run 8/16/2017 103 26 2 11-14
57 Abigail Neitch 0:23:03 Tanya's Trot 9/24/2017 6 1 1 5-14
58 Natalie Killion 0:23:04 Tacky Sweater Run 11/25/2017 16 4 1 0-14
59 Claire DeAngelis 0:23:06 Chase The Sun 6/19/2017 11 3 1 11-14
60 Emily Reimer 0:23:06 Tops 5K 8/26/2017 62 14 3 11-14
61 Jillian Phillips 0:23:09 Eden 5K 8/22/2017 15 2 1 1-14
62 Peyton Switek 0:23:09 Happy Half 5K 5/13/2017 17 8 3 0-19
63 Patsy Obeuhober 0:23:13 Happy Half 5K 5/13/2017 18 9 4 0-19
64 Alexandra Judge 0:23:14 St Greg's Great Race 6/16/2017 91 14 2 11-14
65 Mikayla Scaglione 0:23:14 Tops 5K 8/26/2017 65 16 4 11-14
66 Hannah Goetz 0:23:15 Christine Padasak Memorial Autism Awareness 8/5/2017 25 4 1 0-14
  Total records in this group = 3285 

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