Top 2% Buffalo Area 5K Performances of 2021  
  Women  30-34
7/27/2024      12:23:05 AM                    
 Current Display: Default, USATF Certified Only
rank name time racename date place inSex inGroup group
1 Kelsey Ryan 0:18:32 WNY Running Hall of Fame 5K 9/3/2021 33 4 1 30-34
2 Jenn Spitzer 0:18:33 Moonlight Run 8/18/2021 11 2 1 30-34
3 Colleen Coon 0:18:52 Lilac 5K 5/23/2021 12 1 1 30-34
4 Alexandra Duggan 0:19:00 Purple Ribbon Warrior 5K 5/23/2021 8 2 30-34
5 Kimberly Mills 0:19:54 Buffalo Bills 50 Yard Finish 9/24/2021 20 3 1 30-34
6 Amanda Dole 0:19:58 it’s a Wonderful Run 12/11/2021 41 7 1 30-34
7 Allayva Stier 0:20:20 Moonlight Run 8/18/2021 36 5 2 30-34
8 Meredith Shaul 0:20:45 Jack O'Lantern 5K 10/30/2021 16 3 1 30-34
9 Katie Zwald 0:20:56 Dan Feather Memorial 5K 9/5/2021 3 1 1 30-34
10 Abby Kearns 0:21:02 it’s a Wonderful Run 12/11/2021 69 9 2 30-34
11 Nicole Mehlman-Davidow 0:21:02 EVL 5K 10/23/2021 11 2 1 30-39
12 Cindy Johnson 0:21:04 EVL 5K 10/23/2021 12 3 2 30-39
13 Sara Baker 0:21:14 Scrub Run 8/27/2021 7 1 1 30-34
14 Caitlin O'Rourke 0:21:24 Buffalo Bills 50 Yard Finish 9/24/2021 38 7 2 30-34
15 Alexi Bulloch 0:21:28 it’s a Wonderful Run 12/11/2021 86 14 3 30-34
16 Alyssa Funk 0:21:29 Nancy Price Memorial 5K 5/8/2021 13 1 1 30-34
17 Janelle Kaczor 0:21:29 Moonlight Run 8/18/2021 62 8 3 30-34
18 Lindon Morici 0:21:31 Michelle's Memorial 11/20/2021 10 1 1 30-39
19 Kimberly Mills 0:21:37 Family & Friends 5K 9/18/2021 4 1 1 30-39
20 Kristin Bishara 0:21:45 Jack O'Lantern 5K 10/30/2021 20 5 2 30-34
21 Martha Santandreu 0:21:47 Character Chase 7/17/2021 18 3 1 30-34
  Total records in this group = 1014 

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