Top 2% Buffalo Area 5K Performances of 2021  
  Men  35-39
7/27/2024      12:40:37 AM                    
 Current Display: Default, USATF Certified Only
rank name time racename date place inSex inGroup group
1 Sam Morse 0:14:58 it’s a Wonderful Run 12/11/2021 1 1 1 35-39
2 Kevin Smith 0:16:56 Holly Jolly 5K 12/4/2021 1 1 1 30-39
3 Luke Oleksa 0:17:37 it’s a Wonderful Run 12/11/2021 12 11 2 35-39
4 Ryan Dague 0:17:43 it’s a Wonderful Run 12/11/2021 14 13 3 35-39
5 Jeff Norton 0:18:06 Holly Jolly 5K 12/4/2021 5 5 2 30-39
6 Eric Soehnlein 0:18:06 Purple Ribbon Warrior 5K 5/23/2021 6 5 35-39
7 Erik Rogers 0:18:11 Platter's Chocolate Sponge Candy 5K 9/25/2021 2 2 1 35-39
8 James Starkey 0:18:20 St Patrick's Day Rock'N 5K 3/13/2021 3 3 1 35-39
9 Roger King, Jr. 0:18:25 WNY Running Hall of Fame 5K 9/3/2021 31 28 1 35-39
10 William Buckenmeyer 0:18:29 Oak Tree 5K 9/5/2021 1 1 1 35-39
11 James Starkey 0:18:29 Character Chase 7/17/2021 3 3 1 35-39
12 Edgars Rencis 0:18:41 CSAT 5K 10/2/2021 2 2 2 30-49
13 Erik Rogers 0:18:45 Tunnel To Towers 9/11/2021 2 2 1 35-39
14 Marek Sawicki 0:18:45 WNY Running Hall of Fame 5K 9/3/2021 35 30 2 35-39
  Total records in this group = 697 

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