Top 2% Buffalo Area 5K Performances of 2021  
  Women  55-59
7/26/2024      8:54:19 PM                    
 Current Display: Default, USATF Certified Only
rank name time racename date place inSex inGroup group
1 Pamela Wassell 0:21:36 Attorney's & Kids Together 5K 5/22/2021 3 1 1 55-59
2 Nancy Weber 0:23:05 it’s a Wonderful Run 12/11/2021 140 21 1 55-59
3 Joni Maxick-Jason 0:23:10 Harvest Moon 5K 9/8/2021 23 2 1 55-59
4 Joni Maxick-jason 0:23:18 St Mary's Chowder Chase 7/17/2021 27 4 55-59
5 Elizabeth Randell 0:23:18 New Year's Eve 5K 12/31/2021 22 7 1 55-59
6 Joni Maxick-jason 0:23:23 Buffalo Marathon 5K 6/26/2021 23 5 1 55-59
7 Carmel Cerullo-Beiter 0:23:25 Harvest Moon 5K 9/8/2021 24 3 2 55-59
8 Brenda Osovski 0:23:35 it’s a Wonderful Run 12/11/2021 159 26 2 55-59
9 Joyce Morgan 0:23:36 it’s a Wonderful Run 12/11/2021 160 27 3 55-59
10 Julia Varble 0:23:37 it’s a Wonderful Run 12/11/2021 161 28 4 55-59
11 Ginny Sackett 0:23:38 Oak Tree 5K 9/5/2021 30 7 1 55-59
12 Joni Maxick-jason 0:24:19 EVL 5K 10/23/2021 38 8 1 50-59
13 Pat Cooney 0:24:23 EVL 5K 10/23/2021 40 10 2 50-59
14 Maureen Burts 0:24:29 Buffalo Bills 50 Yard Finish 9/24/2021 122 31 1 55-59
15 Krista Mitchell 0:24:30 it’s a Wonderful Run 12/11/2021 196 36 5 55-59
16 Amy Lembo 0:24:31 Happy 5K 5/8/2021 25 4 1 50-59
17 Carol Denysschen 0:24:34 Holly Jolly 5K 12/4/2021 74 24 2 50-59
  Total records in this group = 825 

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