Top 2% Buffalo Area 5K Performances of 2010  
  Men  60-64
7/27/2024      12:29:54 AM                    
 Current Display: Default, USATF Certified Only
rank name time racename date place inSex inGroup group
1 Brian Richards 0:19:04 Run For The Rosa's 6/6/2010 8 7 1 60-64
2 Tony Gingello 0:19:53 St. Gregory The Great's Great Race 6/18/2010 59 56 1 60-64
3 Tony Gingello 0:19:53 Linda Yalem Safety Run 9/26/2010 68 61 1 60-64
4 Michael Harrison 0:19:54 Bob Ivory Run 11/7/2010 46 42 1 60-64
5 Michael Harrison 0:19:57 Linda Yalem Safety Run 9/26/2010 71 64 2 60-64
6 Michael Harrison 0:20:01 Lindsay's Legacy 11/13/2010 33 32 1 60-64
7 Paul C Duttge 0:20:02 St. Gregory The Great's Great Race 6/18/2010 67 64 2 60-64
8 Tony Gingello 0:20:03 Lebro's Fall Classic 9/18/2010 22 18 1 60-64
9 Michael Harrison 0:20:10 St. Gregory The Great's Great Race 6/18/2010 72 69 3 60-64
10 Michael Harrison 0:20:12 Lebro's Fall Classic 9/18/2010 24 20 2 60-64
11 Robert Rappole 0:20:14 Cameron Run 8/14/2010 15 15 1 60-64
12 Jim May 0:20:17 Jenny Kuzma Memorial 8/14/2010 81 70 1 60-64
13 Robert Rappole 0:20:18 Dan Feather Memorial 9/5/2010 14 14 1 60-99
14 Michael Harrison 0:20:20 St. Mary's Breaking The Sound Barrier 10/23/2010 15 14 1 60-64
15 Michael Harrison 0:20:21 Maggie Lee Memorial 10/2/2010 7 6 1 60-64
16 Tony Gingello 0:20:23 Ronald McDonald House 5K 7/28/2010 40 38 1 60-64
17 Michael Harrison 0:20:24 Reindeer Run 12/4/2010 29 28 1 60-64
18 Paul C Duttge 0:20:25 Linda Yalem Safety Run 9/26/2010 84 75 3 60-64
  Total records in this group = 875 

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