Top 2% Buffalo Area 5K Performances of 2019  
  Women  60-64
7/27/2024      12:16:22 AM                    
 Current Display: Default, USATF Certified Only
rank name time racename date place inSex inGroup group
1 Susan Munson 0:20:42 Aspire In Motion 5K 9/29/2019 1 1 1 60-64
2 Susan Munson 0:20:46 Yeti Dash 5K 11/2/2019 5 3 1 60-64
3 Judy Lemmon 0:23:49 St Mark's Get Set Go! 5K 10/12/2019 48 7 1 60-64
4 Judy Lemmon 0:24:03 Wendelville Harvest Moon 9/4/2019 42 11 1 60-64
5 Judy Lemmon 0:24:17 St. Gregory The Great Great Race 6/21/2019 153 40 1 60-64
6 Dympna Williams 0:24:32 Shea's 5K 9/15/2019 50 11 1 60-64
7 Brigitte Soltiz 0:24:43 Tom Donnelly's Hall Of Fame 5K 8/30/2019 177 56 1 60-64
8 Leslie Jones 0:24:50 Erie County Fair 8/10/2019 99 25 1 60-64
9 Judy Lemman 0:24:52 Scrub Run 9/12/2019 54 12 1 60-64
10 Stephanie Spritzer 0:24:52 St Mark's Get Set Go! 5K 10/12/2019 55 11 2 60-64
11 Carolyn Corgel 0:25:03 Sunset Bay Reach The Beach 8/17/2019 38 9 1 60-64
12 Lisa Rychlicki 0:25:21 Shoes For The Shelter 4/7/2019 102 20 1 60-64
13 Dympna Williams 0:25:23 Williamsville Oktoberfest 9/21/2019 40 8 1 60-64
14 Carolyn Corgel 0:25:24 Happy 5K 5/11/2019 36 12 1 60-64
15 Lisa Rychlicki 0:25:28 Hospice Dash 5K 9/21/2019 33 8 1 60-64
16 Stephanie Spritzer 0:25:28 John Beishline Memorial 5K 5/25/2019 100 28 1 60-64
17 Stephanie Spritzer 0:25:29 Trooper Brinkerhoff 5K 6/15/2019 83 14 1 60-64
18 Connie Harshbarger 0:25:31 Niagara Falls International Marathon 5K 10/20/2019 70 15 1 60-64
19 Lisa Rychlicki 0:25:37 Running Buffalo 5/5/2019 19 8 1 60-69
20 Stephanie Spritzer 0:25:42 SSPP's Charge of the Knights 5/18/2019 45 8 1 60-69
21 Susan Kreplin-Michae 0:25:43 It's A Wonderful Run 12/14/2019 312 77 1 60-64
22 Cindy Murray 0:25:49 Niagara Falls International Marathon 5K 10/20/2019 77 16 2 60-64
23 Sue Liberatore 0:25:52 It's A Wonderful Run 12/14/2019 322 83 2 60-64
  Total records in this group = 1134 

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