Top 2% Buffalo Area 5K Performances of 2022  
  Men  60-64
7/26/2024      5:20:49 PM                    
 Current Display: Default, USATF Certified Only
rank name time racename date place inSex inGroup group
1 Tyler Firth 0:19:35 Jerry's Peachbud 5K 6/28/2022 6 6 1 60-64
2 Kc Bailey 0:19:57 Oak Tree 5K 9/4/2022 7 7 1 60-64
3 Paul Noe 0:20:02 St. Mary's 5K Chowder Chase 7/23/2022 9 8 1 60-64
4 Sam Legierski 0:20:34 Child Advocacy At BestSelf 4/24/2022 2 2 1 60-69
5 Sam Legierski 0:20:35 Lindsay's Legacy 5K 11/12/2022 11 10 1 60-64
6 Steven Waterson 0:20:56 Hail! Fredonia Records 5K 2/26/2022 5 5 1 60-69
7 Jeffrey Wood 0:21:38 Buffalo Bills 50 Yard Finish 9/16/2022 61 50 1 60-64
8 Matthew Pawlowski 0:21:44 Tom Donnelly Hall of Fame 5K 9/2/2022 97 75 1 60-64
9 Brian Murray 0:21:45 Niagara PAL Santa Dash 12/10/2022 15 13 1 60-64
10 Paul Root 0:21:45 Jerry's Peachbud 5K 6/28/2022 25 21 2 60-64
11 Steven Ald 0:21:48 Fallin' Leaves 5K 9/24/2022 12 8 1 60-64
12 Zhusan Luo 0:21:56 Buffalo Sabres 5K 9/18/2022 18 18 1 60-64
13 Zhusan Luo 0:21:59 Envirun 4/23/2022 6 5 1 60-64
14 Kevin Sheehan 0:22:14 Chris Griswold Memorial Lancer 5K 5/14/2022 10 7 1 60-69
15 David Porteus 0:22:22 Black Diamond Express 5K 8/28/2022 9 6 1 60-69
16 Steven Ald 0:22:32 Maggie Lee 5K 10/1/2022 6 4 1 60-64
  Total records in this group = 770 

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