Top 2% Buffalo Area Road Race Performances of 2021  
  Men  15-19
7/26/2024      11:21:24 PM                    
 Current Display: Default, USATF Certified Only
rank name distance time racename date place inSex inGroup group PPL
1 John Amenta Half Marathon 1:12:37 Lake Effect Half Marathon 3/20/2021 5 5 1 01-19 0.8146
2 Jack Lenz 1 Mile 0:04:33 Daemen Track Series #4 - Mile 7/22/2021 1 1 1 M 0.8137
3 Justin Pavan 8K 0:25:53 YMCA Turkey Trot 11/25/2021 12 12 1 15-19 0.8105
4 Alex Hillyard 10K 0:33:27 Grand Island Sunset 10K 10/1/2021 1 1 1 0-19 0.7970
5 Jared Lamson 5K 0:16:01 Jack O'Lantern 5K 10/30/2021 1 1 1 15-19 0.7912
6 Ryan Gruczka 5K 0:16:27 St. John Vianney Kickoff Run 8/7/2021 2 2 1 15-19 0.7704
7 Jamie Sullivan 800 Meters 0:02:11 Daemen Track Series #4 - 800 Meters 7/22/2021 1 1 1 M 0.7695
8 Jonathan T. Moote 8K 0:27:17 YMCA Turkey Trot 11/25/2021 22 22 2 15-19 0.7689
9 Maxwell Fredette 5K 0:16:32 Buffalo Marathon 5K 6/26/2021 3 3 1 15-19 0.7665
10 Jared Rogalski 8K 0:27:33 YMCA Turkey Trot 11/25/2021 25 25 3 15-19 0.7615
11 Nate Adams 5K 0:16:43 Buffalo Bills 50 Yard Finish 9/24/2021 1 1 1 01-19 0.7581
12 Eamon Whitten 8K 0:27:57 YMCA Turkey Trot 11/25/2021 30 30 4 15-19 0.7506
13 Peter Kostarellis 8K 0:27:59 Laurel Memorial 8K Run 7/17/2021 2 2 1 15-19 0.7497
14 Timothy Buchan 8K 0:28:10 YMCA Turkey Trot 11/25/2021 35 34 5 15-19 0.7448
15 Brody Jones 8K 0:28:12 YMCA Turkey Trot 11/25/2021 36 35 6 15-19 0.7439
16 Joshua Walters 8K 0:28:12 Laurel Memorial 8K Run 7/17/2021 3 3 2 15-19 0.7439
  Total records in this group = 784 

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