Top 2% Buffalo Area Road Race Performances of 2010  
  Women  70-74
7/26/2024      11:43:53 PM                    
 Current Display: Default, USATF Certified Only
rank name distance time racename date place inSex inGroup group PPL
1 Linda Eberly 5K 0:26:04 Empire State Senior Games 5K Road 6/10/2010 22 3 1 70-74 0.5491
2 Helen Botti 15K 1:24:19 Fleet Feet 15K Run Into Buffalo 9/6/2010 318 97 1 70-74 0.5488
3 Heide Moebius Half Marathon 2:02:43 Toronto Waterfront Half Marathon 9/26/2010 2736 895 1 70-99 0.5411
  Total records in this group = 148 

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