Top 2% Buffalo Area Road Race Performances of 2015  
  Men  80+
7/27/2024      12:25:12 AM                    
 Current Display: Default, USATF Certified Only
rank name distance time racename date place inSex inGroup group PPL
1 Wade Stockman 5K 0:29:01 Syracuse Festival of Races 5K - Men 10/4/2015 231 231 1 80-84 0.4367
2 Philip A. Reynolds 5K 0:30:23 Linda Yalem Safety Run 9/27/2015 365 210 1 80-84 0.4171
3 Philip Reynolds 5K 0:30:27 Ronald McDonald House 5K 7/29/2015 443 287 1 80-84 0.4162
  Total records in this group = 150 

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